"In a world of hustlers, shady agents, and untrustworthy people there stands one man who rises above it all to be the best dang real estate agent this area has ever seen and it's MF Chris Wallace! Chris sold our home in record timing and got an all cash full asking price offer. I literally blinke..."
"In a world of hustlers, shady agents, and untrustworthy people there stands one man who rises above it all to be the best dang real estate agent this area has ever seen and it's MF Chris Wallace! Chris sold our home in record timing and got an all cash full asking price offer. I literally blinked and the house was sold. There was no hassle, no fuss. They came in, did some light staging, hosted a few showings and BOOM done. 💥 Not only is he the best agent around, but as the only social media influencer who matters, Chris supports tons of local businesses. Sells houses like a boss AND gets us laughing on social media?... is there anything this guy can't do?"